Caldwell University
August 24, 2015
Visceglia Gallery at Caldwell University Presents A Rising Tide: 4 + 4
The Visceglia Gallery at Caldwell University will present the exhibition: A Rising Tide: 4 + 4 Sept. 9 through Oct. 2. The opening reception will be held Saturday Sept. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m.
The ‘4 + 4’ equation at the center of this exhibition represents the four artists who were each asked to identify a second artist with whom they share certain affinities in their artwork, studio process or shared inspiration.
The four pairs of artists are:
- Suzanne Laura Kammin + Babette Herschberger
- Catherine LeCleire + Irena Pejovic
- David Rios Ferreira + Felipe Baeza
- Anker West + Stacy Smith
These four pairs of artists then explored with their respective partners how they would develop a shared approach to their portion of the gallery and adjacent outdoor spaces. Whether exploring subject matter, formal concerns, philosophies of seeing, developing a design for presenting their artwork, the process is a very dynamic one. This evocation of a shared vision investigates where overlapping territories of thought and/or visual representation inform and even inspire each other. For the artists and for the viewers the similarities and the differences in this relational dynamic produce a flow that, like an incoming tide, lifts all boats.
Artists responding to the ideas and artwork of other artists is a relational activity that acknowledges a wider field of forces behind an artist’s work and process, ‘A Rising Tide’ explores this nexus of creative relationships and sources of inspiration. These connections are not meant to diminish the independent acts of making – quite the contrary. While ‘A Rising Tide’ may proportionally reduce the intensity of focus on the individual artist, it can also amplify the awareness that isolated creative activity is an inherently false premise, and that there is more to be gained in considering that the doors around us are, and have always been, open.
This event is free and open to the public. Gallery hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For directions visit: