Caldwell University
February 1, 2014
The Caldwell University Creation Station opened this week in the Jennings Library
Equipped with a Makerbot Replicator (5th Generation) 3-D printer, two Makerbot Digital Scanners and a handheld Sense scanner, the CS has generated excitement across campus. The Creation Station team is learning the logistics of 3-D printing and has been busy printing an array of sample objects, including chain links, boxes, human heart, cross-section of the heart, a fully functional wrench and busts of scanned staff members.
A primary goal of the Creation Station is to move 3-D printing from the latest fad to a transformative tool that increases student engagement and fosters authentic learning across educational sectors. Demonstrations, workshops and continuing education courses will be offered, allowing College faculty and area K-12 educators the opportunity to brainstorm, share ideas and create 3-D objects for their own classrooms. The first 3D Printing Workshop for area K-12 teachers is scheduled for Friday, April 4. Students participating in Summer College at Caldwell will produce a 3D printed object to support their STEM research projects.
Funding for this Makerspace Initiative is provided by the New Jersey State Library and by LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey Library Cooperative, whose services are funded by the New Jersey State Library, which is responsible for the coordination, promotion, and funding of the New Jersey Library Network. Funding was also made available through a College Access Challenge Grant – Aim High Academy 2014 Contract.