Q&A with Keith
Hometown – Kampala, Uganda
How did you find Caldwell University?
The internet. Haha! My EducationUSA advisor at the US Embassy in Kampala recommended some schools and Caldwell was one of them; everything else I found out from the internet.
What has been most beneficial for you in being a student at Caldwell University?
The immense growth that I have achieved from the several leadership opportunities available on campus. Some of those areas include serving as a resident assistant and graduate residence director, leading a band (The Clueless), and serving on the e-boards of various clubs. These positions in our small community setting have given me an opportunity to have an effect – and that’s all that matters in the end.
What life lessons have you learned or are you learning through the pandemic?
That I have no control over what happens around/to me. However, it is within my ability to control how I react. Several of my professional portfolio-building activities were canceled including my MCAT, a summer research internship, a cancer research conference in California, and another in Chicago. I also had to postpone my medical school application. It was hard to deal with the fact that I could not do anything to change the circumstances presented to me. After a few weeks of feeling low/hopelessness, I was able to gather myself and resolve to respond accordingly and “roll with the punches.”
What do you tell others about Caldwell University?
”It’s a small private Catholic university close to the city (NYC).” That’s my automatic response word-for-word— haha! Then I tell them in detail about our community and small size.
Plans after graduation?
Taking a gap year to do cancer research, hopefully somewhere in the northeast so I can visit Caldwell often. Then go on to a combined MD/Ph.D. program.
Factoid or fun fact about your life in your home country?
I have four younger siblings…all girls! So I lost in most democratic procedures like voting which TV channel to watch or game to play.