CITI Training
The University is now a member of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). CITI provides self-paces, online courses and webinars for many research areas. Each course is made up with several modules and provides content and testing relevant to the various types of research.
All investigators (PIs, faculty advisors, student-researchers, other key personnel) working with human subjects or data collected from human subjects are required to complete and maintain training requirements relevant to the type of research conducted.
Beginning fall 2022 semester, all researchers filing for IRB approvals must complete the required CITI training in order for their research applications to be considered by the IRB. No other human subjects training will be accepted. The certification is valid for three years.
How do I register for a CITI account?
Please go to to create your Caldwell University CITI account. Please use Caldwell University email address to register your account.
When the account is created, follow the following steps:
- Follow the prompts to affiliate your account with Caldwell University. Once the affiliation is created, you will see the questionnaire with ten questions.
- If the questionnaire does not show up, scroll all the way to the bottom to find Learner Tools for Caldwell University toolbox and select “Add a Course”
- If you believe that you should take a course on the “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) choose an appropriate one for your discipline course. Otherwise, choose NOT AT THIS TIME.
- For Question 2, Human Subjects Research chose one of the following options
a. Everyone doing research with human subjects in nursing MUST take Biomedical (Biomed) Comprehensive course.
b. All other researchers who work with human subjects must take Social Behavioral Educational (SBE) course.
c. Members of the IRB must take the course designed for the IRB members. - Continue answering the questions to select other courses you may need/want to take to learn about various areas of research.
- Once done, hit submit.
- A link for the course you have selected should now be displayed under Course. Please click on that link to begin your self-paced course.
- In the course, the list of individual modules under the course will be displayed. A brief quiz must be completed at the end of each module for the module to count toward the course completion. You must complete each module in order to pass the course. The course does not need to be completed in one sitting.
Once you are done with the basic RCR course, please take as many courses and webinars as you like to learn about research with human subjects. For questions about registration, courses, and anything else CITI, please contact