Faculty & Staff Directory

Name Department Title Email
Rothweiler, Lawrence
Lawrence Rothweiler

Psychology and Counseling
Adjunct Instructor

Email: lrothweiler@caldwell.edu
Personal: 908-463-2893

Lawrence Rothweiler
Psychology and Counseling Adjunct Instructor lrothweiler@caldwell.edu
Rowland, Anon
Anon Rowland

Head Esports Coach

Email: arowland@caldwell.edu
Office Location: Werner Hall, Esports Lab

Graduated with a Bachelors degree in Recreation and Leisure studies. Spent 6 years managing and organizing youth sports leagues.

Spent 2 years getting a Masters degree in Gaming and Esports Management, while also competing at a collegiate esports level.

Athletics Head Esports Coach arowland@caldwell.edu
Rubin, Joshua
Joshua Rubin


Josh Rubin

​After graduating Berklee College of Music in 1987, Joshua Rubin embarked on a career as a performing guitarist and teaching.  He performed with such artists as George Coleman, David Grisman, Claudio Roditi, Grady Tate and Martha Reevesand the Vandellas in venues including Carnegie Hall, The Knitting Factory, Village Gate, Pier 16, Avery Fisher Hall, and Alice Tully Hall.  Josh has recorded a number of CDs as sideman and as featured soloist.  Education is a large part of Josh’s musical life, he currently teaches privately in Montclair and Clifton and is also an adjunct faculty member at Caldwell University .

Music Guitar jrubin@caldwell.edu
Ryan, Edward
Edward Ryan

Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach

Email: eryan@caldwell.edu
Office Location: Newman Center – Part-time Coaches Office

Edward Ryan
Athletics Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach eryan@caldwell.edu
Ryan, Meghan
Meghan Ryan

Nursing and Public Health
Associate Professor

Email: MRyan@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3565
FAX: 973-618-3802
Office Location: Newman Center

Meghan Ryan

Meghan Ryan, DNP, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CPN
Tenured Faculty in the School of Nursing and Public Health
Expertise in pediatrics, family practice, and evidence-based practice
DNP New York University
MSN Felician University
BSN William Paterson University
BSPES/Athletic Training University of Delaware

Nursing and Public Health Associate Professor MRyan@caldwell.edu
Sabatini, Roxanne
Roxanne Sabatini

Nursing and Public Health
Graduate Adjunct Faculty

Roxanne Sabatini
Nursing and Public Health Graduate Adjunct Faculty rsabatini@caldwell.edu
Sacco, Daniel
Daniel Sacco

Leadership and Management

Daniel Sacco

TN-BA, Social Studies, Tusculum College MS, Sports Leadership, Northeastern NYU-Certificate Screenwriting

Leadership and Management Lecturer
Saint Fort, Patrick
Patrick Saint Fort

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Instructor

Patrick Saint Fort
Business and Computer Science Adjunct Instructor pfort@caldwell.edu
Saint-Armand, Prosline
Prosline Saint-Armand

Psychology and Counseling
Adjunct Lecturer

Prosline Saint-Armand

B.A. Montclair State University

M.A. Seton Hall University

Psychology and Counseling Adjunct Lecturer parmand@caldwell.edu
Saiti, Albert
Albert Saiti

Custodial Manager

Email: asaiti@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3421

Albert Saiti
Custodial Custodial Manager asaiti@caldwell.edu
Sakalos, John-Alexander
John-Alexander Sakalos

Adjunct Lecturer

John-Alexander Sakalos, M.F.A.
MFA George Washington University
English Adjunct Lecturer jsakelos@caldwell.edu
Saladino, Thomas
Thomas Saladino

Counseling Services
Counselor/Substance Awareness

Email: tsaladino@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3305
FAX: 973-618-3940

Thomas Saladino
Counseling Services Counselor/Substance Awareness tsaladino@caldwell.edu
Salem, Naglaa
Naglaa Salem

Psychology and Counseling
Adjunct Lecturer

Naglaa A. Salem

School of Psychology & Counseling B.A. Al-Azhar University M.A. University of Sunderland MSc of Psychology, Cal Southern University

Psychology and Counseling Adjunct Lecturer nsalem@caldwell.edu
Salerno, Nicolette
Nicolette Salerno

Assistant Professor and Department Chair

Email: nsalerno@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3558
Office Location: Werner Hall, Room 119

B.A. Rutgers College
M.A. Montclair State University
Ed.D. Rutgers University

Dr Salerno received her doctorate in Higher Education and Student Development from The Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University. She has held various administrative and teaching positions throughout her career in student affairs, program management, crisis counseling, and evaluation. A long-time adjunct at Caldwell and other local institutions, she joined the psychology faculty full-time in 2023. She is especially committed to helping students transition into graduate school and teaches the psychology capstone course each year. Her research interests center on women at different stages in the lifespan, professional identity development for adjunct faculty, and college-student mental health. Dr. Salerno loves reading, cooking, and gardening and is happiest hanging out with her grown kids.

Psychology Assistant Professor and Department Chair nsalerno@caldwell.edu
Salvatore, Christopher
Christopher Salvatore

Sociology and Criminal Justice
Adjunct Lecturer

Christopher Salvatore

Christopher Salvatore Adjunct Lecturer of Criminal Justice B.A. Neumann College M.A. Widener University Ph.D. Temple University

Sociology and Criminal Justice Adjunct Lecturer csalvatore@caldwell.edu
Sanchez, Rosa
Rosa Sanchez

Modern Languages
Professor of Spanish Language, Literature and Culture

Email: rsanchez@caldwell.edu
Office Location: Visceglia Hall

Rosa M. Sánchez is an Associate Professor at Caldwell University. Her research focuses on 20th-century Hispanic literature, especially on re-writings of canonical works. She has published in Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, Languages and CultureVoces del Caribe, and Journal of Christianity and World Languages. She has also presented at various national and international conferences. At Caldwell University, she teaches all levels of Spanish language, literature and culture courses. She is also the advisor for the Spanish Club, Phi Sigma Iota, and Study Abroad.

Modern Languages Professor of Spanish Language, Literature and Culture rsanchez@caldwell.edu
Sandecki, Heidi
Heidi Sandecki

Visual Art and Design
Instructor/Lecturer of Graphic Art

Email: hsandecki@caldwell.edu
Office: 973-618-3918
Office Location: Visceglia Hall, 150

B.F.A. Maryland Institute College of Art

M.F.A. School of Visual Arts

Visual Art and Design Instructor/Lecturer of Graphic Art hsandecki@caldwell.edu
Sang, Michael
Michael Sang

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Instructor

Michael Sang


B.A., University of Chicago
M.A., Northwestern University
M.B.A., University of Chicago

Business and Computer Science Adjunct Instructor
SanPietro, Frank
Frank SanPietro

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Lecturer

Frank J SanPietro
Dr. Frank J. SanPietro Adjunct Professor B.S. Brooklyn College M.A. Columbia University Ph.D. The University of Memphis
Business and Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer fsanpietro@caldwell.edu
Santiago, Keela
Keela Santiago

Student Accounts
Director of Student Accounts

Keela Santiago
Student Accounts Director of Student Accounts
Scarduffa, Loretta
Loretta Scarduffa

Modern Languages
Adjunct Lecturer

Loretta Scarduffa
Modern Languages Adjunct Lecturer lscarduffa@caldwell.edu
Schafer, Kevin
Kevin Schafer

Psychology and Counseling
Adjunct Lecturer

Kevin Schafer
Psychology and Counseling Adjunct Lecturer kschafer@caldwell.edu
Schafer, Susan
Susan Schafer

Visual Art and Design
Adjunct Lecturer

Susan Schafer
Visual Art and Design Adjunct Lecturer sschafer@caldwell.edu
Schnipp, Melissa
Melissa Schnipp

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Lecturer

Melissa A Schnipp
Business and Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer mschnipp@caldwell.edu
Schray, McKenna
McKenna Schray

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Lecturer

McKenna L Schray

Ph.D., APR Adjunct Professor B.A. Seton Hall University M.A. Seton Hall University Ph.D. Seton Hall University

Business and Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer mschray@caldwell.edu
Schwers-Lee, Diana
Diana Schwers-Lee

Academic Affairs
Senior Administrative Assistant

Email: DLee@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3212
FAX: 973-618-3351
Office Location: Alumni Theater 228

Mon: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Tues: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Wed: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Thurs: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Diana Schwers-Lee

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Montclair State University, 2002

Caldwell University – 2002-Present

Academic Affairs Senior Administrative Assistant DLee@caldwell.edu
Scimone, Anthony
Anthony Scimone

Natural Sciences
Adjunct Lecturer

Anthony Scimone

B.S. Pace University

Ph.D. Rutgers University

M.D. Rutgers Medical School

Natural Sciences Adjunct Lecturer anscimone@caldwell.edu
Scott, Kenneth
Kenneth Scott

Assistant Coach, Men’s Basketball

Email: KScott@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3429
FAX: 973-618-3370

Kenneth Scott
Athletics Assistant Coach, Men’s Basketball KScott@caldwell.edu
Scott, Joe
Joe Scott

Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach

Athletics Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach kscott@caldwell.edu
Seidman, Leah
Leah Seidman

Academic Success Center
Academic Coach

Email: lseidman@caldwell.edu
Extension: 3248
FAX: 3690

Leah Seidman
Academic Success Center Academic Coach lseidman@caldwell.edu
Self, Alison
Alison Self

Counseling Services, Health Services
Administrative Assistant

Email: aself@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3319
FAX: 973-618-3540
Office Location: Newman Center, Wellness Center

Mon: 8:30am-4:30pm
Tues: 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed: 8:30am-4:30pm
Thurs: 8:30am-4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm

B.Sc. Genetics, Queen Mary College, University of London

Alison has worked at Caldwell University since 2001, she was in the English and Political Science departments before moving to the Wellness Center in 2019. Alison’s door is always open to students who have questions about the Wellness Center, or just as a place to chat!

Her interests include singing with the Caldwell University Chorale and also with Ember Ensemble, a pro-am ensemble who perform in Manhattan and Montclair, NJ.

Counseling Services, Health Services Administrative Assistant aself@caldwell.edu
Self, Christopher
Christopher Self

Natural Sciences
Adjunct Lecturer

Christopher Self
Natural Sciences Adjunct Lecturer cself@caldwell.edu
Senese, Jeffrey
Jeffrey Senese

President’s Office

Email: presidentassistant@caldwell.edu
phone: 973-618-3547
Office Location: Werner Hall

Jeffrey D. Senese, Ph.D

Dr. Jeffrey D. Senese was named the tenth president of Caldwell University on July 9, 2023. Prior to his appointment at Caldwell University, Senese served at the president of Saint Leo University in Florida. Prior to that service he was an academic vice president and provost as well as a department chair and was awarded tenure at the University of Baltimore and again at Penn State University.

President Senese earned his bachelor’s degree in the administration of justice from the Pennsylvania State University. He went on to earn a Master of Arts degree in criminology from Indiana State University and a Ph.D. in criminal justice/research methods/statistics from Michigan State University.

After graduating from Michigan State University, Dr. Senese was a faculty member at Indiana University and then the University of Baltimore, a member institution of the University of Maryland System. Dr. Senese engaged in extensive funded national research work with the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Defense on use of force in law enforcement and correctional settings among several other topics. The extensive list of Dr. Senese’s academic achievements beyond his teaching roles include the publication of a methods book, dozens of professional article publications, book chapters, and other publications. Dr. Senese has also presented over one hundred professional papers, interviews with various media outlets, and has served as a speaker for many educational and community conferences and events both domestically and internationally. Dr. Senese has been recognized by the State of Maryland, the City of Baltimore and the City of Tampa. Dr. Senese also has extensive international work experiences in Asia (Completed a Fulbright in Hong Kong and extensive partnership work in China), work in Europe, the Caribbean and South Africa. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Tampa Bay Chamber and served its Executive Committee; was chair of the Sunshine State Conference President’s Council; was a member of Enterprise Florida’s Board (State-wide Economic Development Board for the Governor), a Board Member of Omicron Delta Kappa and a Board member of the Urban League of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


President’s Office President presidentassistant@caldwell.edu
Sepe, Kelly
Kelly Sepe

Administrative Assistant

Email: KSepe@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3260
FAX: 973-618-3370
Office Location: Newman Center, Athletic Suite

Kelly Sepe

Kelly Sepe begins her ninth year as the administrative assistant in Caldwell University Athletics in 2024-25.

She lives in West Caldwell with her husband Ron and two sons, Adam and Cooper.

Athletics Administrative Assistant KSepe@caldwell.edu
Sepe, Melissa
Melissa Sepe

Nursing and Public Health

Email: msepe@caldwell.edu
Office: 973-618-3000 x3159
Office Location: Student Center, Nursing Department Offices

Mon: 9:00am – 11:00am
Tues: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Wed: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Fri: By appointment

Melissa Sepe

Melissa Sepe, APN, RN is clinical faculty in the School of Nursing and Public Health. She earned her MA in nursing from New York University and BSN from Villanova University. She has many years of experience in nursing having worked as a Nurse Practitioner in adult cardiology and Registered Nurse in adult intensive care, the emergency department, neonatal intensive care and elementary school health.

Nursing and Public Health Instructor msepe@caldwell.edu
Serpico, Nicholas
Nicholas Serpico

Assistant Sprint Football Coach

Nicholas Serpico
Athletics Assistant Sprint Football Coach nserpico@caldwell.edu
Serpico, Nicolas
Nicolas Serpico

Assistant Sprint Football Coach

Email: nserpico@caldwell.edu
Office Location: Newman Center

Nicholas Serpico
Athletics Assistant Sprint Football Coach nserpico@caldwell.edu
Shapiro, Stephanie
Stephanie Shapiro

Psychology and Counseling
Adjunct Lecturer

Stephanie Shapiro
Psychology and Counseling Adjunct Lecturer sshapiro@caldwell.edu
Shaw, Stephen
Stephen Shaw

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Lecturer

Stephen B. Shaw

B.S. Caldwell University

M.S. Caldwell University

Business and Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer sshaw@caldwell.edu
Shay, Keisha
Keisha Shay

First Reader

Keisha Shay
Education First Reader kshay@caldwell.edu
Sheldon, Jill
Jill Sheldon

Institutional Advancement

Email: jsheldon@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3242
FAX: 973-618-3300
Office Location: Rosary Hall, 214

Proud Graduate of Berkeley College of Business – Intensive Secretarial Program

Institutional Advancement Coordinator jsheldon@caldwell.edu
Shube, Brian
Brian Shube

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Lecturer

Brian Shube

B.S. Hofstra University

M.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Business and Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer bshube@caldwell.edu
Sidener, Tina
Tina Sidener

Applied Behavior Analysis
Professor, Clinical Supervisor

Email: TSidener@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3539
Office Location: Center for Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis, Room 5

Tina Sidener
Education Background:

Ph. D. in Psychology from Western Michigan University

Brief Bio/Professional Experience:

Tina M. Sidener, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA(NY) is a professor in the Applied Behavior Analysis department at Caldwell University and Clinical Supervisor in the Caldwell University Center for Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from Western Michigan University in 2006 under the mentorship of Dr. Jim Carr and completed a pre-doctoral internship at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Sidener has over 20 years of experience providing ABA services and conducting research with individuals with developmental disabilities. She has served on the board of and published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, Behavioral Interventions, Education and Treatment of Children, and Behavior Analysis in Practice. Her clinical and research interests include teaching verbal behavior and play skills to children with autism spectrum disorder and establishing natural stimulus and reinforcer control.

Additional Duties:

Clinical Supervisor, Center for Autism and ABA

Teaching Interests & Courses Taught:

Language and Social Skills for Individuals with Autism, Motivational Systems and Reinforcement, Assessment and Treatment of Stereotypy, Professionalism for Behavior Analysts, Play Interventions for Children with Autism

Current Research (description of interests): establishing conditioned reinforcers, assessment and treatment of stereotypy, teaching verbal behavior and play skills to children with autism

Selected publications:

Kahlow, T., Sidener, T. M., Kisamore, A. N., & Reeve, K. F. (in press). Teaching the mand “when?” to children with autism spectrum disorder. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior.

Sainsbury, E. L., Sidener, T. M., Taylor-Santa, C., Reeve, K. F., & Sidener, D. W. (in press). A discrimination training procedure to establish praise as a conditioned reinforcer for children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Kay, J. C., Kisamore, A. N., Vladescu, J. C., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, K. F., & Taylor-Santa, C. (in press). Effects of exposure to prompts on the acquisition of intraverbals in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Gomes, S. R., Reeve, S. A., Brothers, K. J., Reeve, K. R., & Sidener, T. M. (2019). Establishing a generalized repertoire of initiating bids for joint attention in children with autism. Behavior Modification, online first. doi: 10.1177/0145445518822499

Szmacinski, N., DeBar, R. M., Sidener, T. M., & Sidener, D. W. (2018). Using an interrupted behavior chain and volume fading to teach manding. The Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 653–668. doi: 10.1007/s10882-018-9610-4

Shnell, L. K., Sidener, T. M., DeBar, R. M., Vladescu, J. C., & Kahng, S. (2018). Effects of computer based training on procedural modifications to standard functional analyses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51, 87-98. doi: 10.1002/jaba.423

Johnson, K., Vladescu, J. C., Kodak, T., Sidener, T. M., & Giannakakos, A. (2017). An assessment of differential reinforcement procedures for learners with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50, 290-303. doi: 10.1002/jaba.372

Bord, S., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, K. F., & Sidener, D. W. (2017). Teaching on-task rollerblading and ice-skating to a child with autism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 10, 178–182. doi: 10.1007/s40617-016-0150-z

Cirelli, C. A., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, S. A., & Reeve, K. F. (2016). Using activity schedules to increase on-task behavior of children at-risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Education and Treatment of Children, 39, 283-300.

Pane, H. M., Sidener, T. M., Vladescu, J. C., & Nirgudkar, A. (2015). Evaluating function-based Social Stories™ with children with autism. Education and Treatment of Children. doi: 10.1177/0145445515603708

Somers, A. S., Sidener, T. M., DeBar, R. A., & Sidener, D. W. (2014). Establishing stimulus control of mands for items and mands for information in children with autism. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 30, 29-35. doi: 10.1007/s40616-014-0007-x

Taylor-Santa, C., Sidener, T. M., Carr, J. E., & Reeve, K. F. (2014). Evaluation of a discrimination training procedure to establish conditioned reinforcers for children with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 29, 157–176. doi: 10.1002/bin.1384

Rader, L., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, K. F., Sidener, D. W., Delmolino, L., Miliotis, A., & Carbone, V. (2014). Stimulus -stimulus pairing of vocalizations: A systematic replication. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 30, 69-74. doi: 10.1007/s40616-014-0012-0

Miliotis, A., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, K. F., Carbone, V., Sidener, D. W., Rader, L., & Delmolino, L. (2012). Stimulus-stimulus pairing of vocalizations: Evaluation of number of presentations of target sound per trial. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 809–813. doi: 10.9101/jaba.2012.45-809

Saylor, S., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, S. A., Fetherston, A., Progar, P. R. (2012). Effects of three types of noncontingent auditory stimulation on vocal stereotypy in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 185-190. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2012.45-185

Howlett, M., Sidener, T. M., Sidener, D. W., & Progar, P. R. (2012). Manipulation of motivating operations and use of a script fading procedure to teach mands for information about location to children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 943-948.

Cassella, M., Sidener, T. M., Sidener, D. W., & Progar, P. R. (2011). Response interruption and redirection as treatment for vocal stereotypy in children with autism: A systematic replication. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 169-173.

Sidener, T. M., Carr, J. E., Firth, A. M., Heinicke, M. R., & Cornelius, C. E. (2010). Effects of single versus multiple verbal operant arrangements on the acquisition of mands and tacts in preschool children. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 26, 26, 15-30.

Kaplan-Reimer, H., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, K. F., & Sidener, D. W. (2010). Evaluating a stimulus control fading procedure to teach indoor rock climbing to children with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 26, 1-22.

Stevens, C., Sidener, T. M., Reeve, S. A., & Sidener, D. W. (2010). Effects of behavior-specific and general praise on acquisition of tacts in children with pervasive developmental disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 666-669.

Sidener, T. M., Shabani, B. D., Carr, J. E., & Roland, J. P. (2006). An evaluation of strategies to maintain manding at practical levels. Research in Developmental Disabilities,27, 632-644.

Sidener, T. M., Carr, J. E., & Firth, A. M. (2005). Superimposition and withholding of edible consequences as treatment for automatically reinforced stereotypy. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 121-124.

Applied Behavior Analysis Professor, Clinical Supervisor TSidener@caldwell.edu
Silvia, Danielle
Danielle Silvia

Assistant Registrar

Email: dsilvia@caldwell.edu
phone: 973-618-3292

Danielle Silvia

B.A. in Communications, TCNJ, 2019

M.A. in Higher Education, Caldwell University, Spring 2023

Registrar Assistant Registrar dsilvia@caldwell.edu
Sime, Patrick
Patrick Sime

Professor and Chair

Email: PSime@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3518
FAX: 973-618-3365

Patrick Sime

B.A. Rutgers University

Ph.D. University of Maryland

Mathematics Professor and Chair PSime@caldwell.edu
Siravo, Marc
Marc Siravo

Business and Computer Science
Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 973-618-3255

Marc A Siravo


B.S., Stockton University
M.B.A., Seton Hall University

Business and Computer Science Adjunct Instructor
Sitnick, Stephanie
Stephanie Sitnick

Academic Support Services
Assistant Vice President for Academic Support Services

Email: ssitnick@caldwell.edu
Phone: 973-618-3491
Office Location: Aquinas Hall 109

Image of Stephanie Sitnick

BS in Special Education from The College of New Jersey
MS in Child Development from the University of California Davis
PhD in Human Development from the University of California Davis

Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=0HgP19kAAAAJ

Academic Support Services Assistant Vice President for Academic Support Services ssitnick@caldwell.edu
Skembo, Gail
Gail Skembo

Nursing and Public Health
Adjunct Lecturer

Gail Skembo
Nursing and Public Health Adjunct Lecturer gskembo@caldwell.edu
Skibitski, Richard
Richard Skibitski

Natural Sciences
Adjunct Lecturer

Richard Skibitski
Natural Sciences Adjunct Lecturer RSkibitski@caldwell.edu
Skinner, Elizabeth (Libby)
Elizabeth (Libby) Skinner

School of Education, Student Support Services
Director of Accessibility Services, Adjunct Lecturer

Email: eskinner@caldwell.edu
phone: 973-618-3645
FAX: 973-618-3488
Office Location: Aquinas Hall, Academic Success Center

Elizabeth Skinner

Mrs. Elizabeth (Libby) Skinner has a B.A. from the University of Denver, an M.A. from Montclair State University and an M.A.A. from Caldwell University. She began her career teaching reading in the Denver Public Schools. Upon moving to New Jersey in 1971, she worked briefly in the Caldwell Public Schools. After pausing to have her children she worked in the Verona Public Schools for 32 years before retiring in 2015. Mrs. Skinner has taught both general education and special education in preschool through 12th grade. While working in Verona she was a classroom teacher, an LDT-C, a Supervisor of Special Education and a Director of Special Services. Mrs. Skinner has been an adjunct lecturer with the School of Education at Caldwell University since 2013 and accepted the position of Director of Accessibility Services in February, 2020. In her leisure time, Mrs. Skinner enjoys traveling, reading and spending time with her family, especially her eight grandchildren.

School of Education, Student Support Services Director of Accessibility Services, Adjunct Lecturer eskinner@caldwell.edu