University Events
New Student Orientation Day 1
residence hallsCongratulations on choosing Caldwell University and welcome to the family! Details and registration information will be communicated to you by your Admissions Counselor as soon as plans are solidified. Again, […]
Transfer Instant Decision Day
You are invited to join Caldwell University's Transfer Admission team for an on-the-spot decision, scholarship, and merit offerings review, and a preliminary transfer credit evaluation. REGISTER >
Transfer Instant Decision Day
You are invited to join Caldwell University's Transfer Admission team for an on-the-spot decision, scholarship, and merit offerings review, and a preliminary transfer credit evaluation. REGISTER >
New Student Orientation Day 2
residence hallsCongratulations on choosing Caldwell University and welcome to the family! Details and registration information will be communicated to you by your Admissions Counselor as soon as plans are solidified. Again, […]
New Student Orientation Day 3
residence hallsCongratulations on choosing Caldwell University and welcome to the family! Details and registration information will be communicated to you by your Admissions Counselor as soon as plans are solidified. Again, […]
Transfer Instant Decision Day
You are invited to join Caldwell University's Transfer Admission team for an on-the-spot decision, scholarship, and merit offerings review, and a preliminary transfer credit evaluation. REGISTER >
One Stop Event
Start your new school year off on the right foot! Join us for our One-Stop Event on Tuesday, August 8 10AM - 1PM or 3PM - 6PM. Get everything squared away before classes start. Register for classes, get your student ID and parking decal, drop off forms, make a payment, sign up for Hand Shake for student work […]
New Student Orientation
New student orientation provides the opportunity to meet new classmates, review your fall schedule, and become comfortable with the Caldwell University campus and local community. REGISTER HERE