Caldwell University
May 21, 2020
Enhance your university learning experience at the Academic Success Center
Students share the benefits of a wide range of services at Caldwell University’s Academic Success Center.
The Center offers academic support services through which students of all abilities can address their long and short-term learning needs in a supportive and relaxed environment. Individual and group tutoring in most academic subjects is available on a scheduled basis. Many drop-in sessions are also offered. Skill-specific workshops are presented regularly to help students develop and improve their study habits and writing techniques.
The Writing Center, staffed by professional and peer tutors, has regular hours for drop-in assistance. Students may be referred to the Academic Success Center by their professors for skill reinforcement, or they may arrange for their own tutoring by completing the registration form available in the Academic Success Center. Students who excel in a particular course and who have been recommended by their professor, may be invited to work as Academic Success Center tutors.
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is also located in the Academic Success Center. The mission of the ODS is to provide a full range of reasonable and appropriate accommodations and support services to students with disabilities in order to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990).
The Office of Disability Services seeks to foster independence and to develop the self-advocacy of students with disabilities. In addition, the ODS serves as a liaison and resource to members of the Caldwell University community.
Location: Student Center, First Floor
Contact: Nancee Roth, Coordinator of Tutoring Services
Coordinator of Disability Services
973 – 618-3645