Caldwell University
January 4, 2016
Caldwell University’s Visceglia Gallery presents exhibition “Haiti: 01-12-2010 We Remember”
Caldwell University’s Visceglia Gallery is presenting “Haiti 01-12-2010 We Remember,” an exhibition curated by AYITISTIK, a group of Haitian-born artists who have been deeply affected by the earthquake that devastated their homeland six years ago on Jan.12, 2010. Their powerful artworks confront hardships and the unsettled aftermath of that event. The devastation of their homeland cannot be forgotten. Consisting of more than 30 works by established artists, including painting, mixed-media, collage and metal sculptures, the exhibition offers a compelling response to Haiti’s ongoing predicament.
The exhibition is on view now through Jan. 30, 2016. The opening reception will be held Sunday Jan. 10 from 3 to 7 p.m. and is open to the public.
“Haiti 01-12-2010 We Remember” honors a country that was taken by surprise when an earthquake hit and is a reminder of what happened and of how much needs to be done to prevent such a disaster from occurring at such a magnitude in the future. “Hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters lost their lives not only because of the earthquake but due to a lack of Haiti’s preparedness, a solid infrastructure, and vision,” says artist, Jean Claude Dominique.
Dominique says some progress has been made within the past six years after the earthquake. “Tent City no longer exists. The people have been moved to various locations within the country. Some of the roads and housing have been reconstructed.” Yet, he says, much more needs to be done to bring the country back to where it was before the earthquake. “The infrastructure must be one of the main focuses. The economy and health of the people must come to the forefront. It cannot be business as usual.”
Artists featured in this exhibition include: Jerry M.C. Georges, Jean P. Blaise, Mona Coichy Haigler, Jean Richard Coachy, Francisco Gervais, Joseph Thony Moise, Jean Claude Dominique and guest artist Jean Dominique Volcy.
The Visceglia Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. For appointments call Jean Claude Dominique at (862) 250-4393 or email at:
Directions to the Visceglia Gallery may be found online at: