Wind Ensemble
The Caldwell University Wind Ensemble is an instrumental ensemble of about 40 students, alumni and community members, and is directed by Prof. Rebecca Vega. The college students who participate include music majors, music minors and music lovers. The wind ensemble performs on the Christmas Spectacular, the Music Department Spring Concert and at the College Commencement each year. For the Christmas Spectacular performance, the wind ensemble is combined with the Caldwell University honor band that consists of 50-60 nominated high school students who attend five evening rehearsals before performing on the concert.
The wind ensemble performs a variety of wind literature, including pieces by David Gillingham, Samuel Hazo, Clifton Williams, Frances McBeth, Nancy Galbrath, David Holsinger, Julie Giroux, Alfred Reed and Gustav Holst.
For more information email Rebecca Vega, director.
Phone: 973-618-3446