Caldwell University
February 2, 2016
Graduate Counseling Students Engage in Community Service
Caldwell, N.J., – Feb. 2, 2016 –Graduate Counseling students in the national honor society Chi Sigma Iota and counseling faculty took some time out of their busy schedules on Jan. 27 to engage in community service. University students Ashley Pritchard, Ronieka Thomas, and Laura Dispenzere and faculty members Dr. Diana Wildermuth and Dr. Emma Kendrick prepared the lunches and delivered them for senior citizens who have a midday meal at the Caldwell Community Center or at Harrison School.
The lunches were packed at Essex Valley School in West Caldwell and were made possible by a grant from the Rotary Club of the Caldwells.
The Caldwell University Psychology Department offers Graduate Counseling programs with Mental health, school counseling and art therapy specializations.
Pritchard, president of Caldwell’s chapter of Chi Sigma Iota said their chapter strives to promote the counseling profession, Caldwell university, community outreach, and advocacy. “It’s important to us as a society to reach out and collaborate with other local schools, groups, and programs to help the local community in whatever way we can.”