Alejandra Gutierrez ’15 (Sevilla, Spain)
Name: Alejandra Gutierrez
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Psychology and Spanish
Where did you study abroad and with what program?
Fall 2014
Sevilla, Spain at La Universidad de Sevilla- Cursos para Estudiantes Extranjersos through ISA.
What advice do you have for Caldwell students interested in studying abroad?
It’s worth it! Do your research to find a program and city which fit your major and the experience that you want. My program offered me the option to live with a host family and attend the local University. All my host mom and professors spoke was Spanish, which was exactly what I wanted. Also, make sure you plan any trips that you want to take ahead of time, time tends to go by quickly and before you know it you missed your chance somewhere you wanted to. Most importantly, remember to study.
What was the best part of studying abroad?
The best part about studying abroad was how I was able to truly immerse myself in a new culture and way of life. In Spain, walking is the primary form of transportation I was able to really get to know the city of Sevilla just by taking a new route home. By doing this I found all the local restaurants and stores which allowed me to meet locals. Speaking with the locals allowed me to greatly improve my Spanish. By the end of my time abroad, I truly thought of myself as a Sevillana.
Why do you recommend it?
I recommend studying abroad because it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. No class could ever teach you all that you learn about yourself or about a culture better than experiencing these things for yourself. Studying abroad also makes it possible for you to go to school and travel at the same time. So, do it!